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The major threats to the Scottish wildcat include
- Habitat loss
- Persecution
- Disease
- Hybridisation with domestic and feral cats
The Scottish wildcat is in imminent danger of becoming extinct in the wild with current numbers of wildcats estimated to be between 35 and 400.
The Wildcat Haven projects aims to determine the size of the wildcat population in Scotland and establish safe areas where wildcats can thrive. This involves a consultation exercise with local people to explain the initiative and to seek support for the neutering of feral cats.
Hybridisation with domestic and feral cats is a relatively recent issue as domestic cats were not believed to have been common in the Highlands until recent times. With the decrease in the numbers of true wildcats, this continued hybridisation poses a serious threat to the long term survival of the wildcat. Wildcats can be differentiated from domestic tabby cats and hybrids using a scoring system based on body shape and coat characteristics.
Ardnamurchan was originally chosen as a good area for the wildcat haven project as it is relatively isolated and sparsely populated. In time this wildcat haven may expand to encompass surrounding areas. For example, Mingarry, Dorlin, Dalilea and Kinlochmoidart in Moidart are well wooded areas. Woodland edge is one of the preferred habitats for wildcats, so this region would make a natural extension to the project.
With this in mind I thought I would introduce you to the wild and feral cats of Mingarry and Moidart.
There have been several reports of sighting of wildcats in Mingarry in recent years. Are these wildcats, hybrids, feral cats or just domestic cats on a night time prowl?
Do you recognise any of these cats, or do you have any additional sightings you would like to add?

Photo 1 - Cat 1
Possible wildcat sighted on 20 June 2011.
Back view showing dorsal stripe stopping at base of tail.

Photo 2 - Cat 1
Possible wildcat sighted on 20 June 2011.

Photo 3 - Cat 1
Possible wildcat sighted on 20 June 2011.

Photo 4 - Cat 2
13 Jan 2012
Large black cat with green eyes

Photo 5 - Cat 2
15 Mar 2012

Photo 6 - Cats 2 and 3
03 May 2012
Cat 3 is possible wildcat hybrid

Photo 7 - Cat 3
19 Aug 2012

Photo 8 - Cat 3
21 Aug 2012

Photo 9 - Cat 3
24 Oct 2012

Photo 10 - Cat 4
25 Nov 2012
Large fluffy feral or domestic cat
For futher information see: