A minor deer diversion
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We've driven over Rannoch Moor between Glencoe and Tyndrum so many times. Always a spectacular drive but sometimes daunting in the winter months with the snow, winds and rain. Such a special place and no better gateway to the Highlands - a region that we love and have made our home. We are usually rushing off to Glasgow and beyond in the early hours or travelling home in the dark on the A82 so do not always get a chance to appreciate the full splendour of these magnificent mountains and moors. Photographic diversions to Glen Etive, stop offs at Loch Ba and trips up the ski lift have occasionally extended our journey and caused us to arrive a little later than expected, but hey, better late than never and what delights we have experienced.

Yesterday travelling back from Glasgow we were approaching the road to The Kings House Hotel when Jayne mentioned that she had seen several great photos of red deer taken infront of the hotel on Facebook. Minutes later we were parked up infront of the hotel snapping away at a stag and his harem. A lovely encounter on this misty day - perhaps a lucky break or maybe the deer do actually live in front of the hotel as many Facebook posts suggest.

Look out for the small road on the right hand side of the A82 about 500m after the turing to the Glencoe Mountain Resort as you drive towards Glencoe. There's a small white wooden pryamid sign at the side of the road. If you have time then why not take the minor diversion to The Kings House Hotel - you might also be lucky and see the stag and his harem...