Bats in the dining room, toads in the sitting room...

It's not every morning that you look up from the breakfast table to see a bat hanging from the dining room wall, but hey this is Mingarry, deep in the wilds of Moidart.  We're not really sure how the pipistrelle bat found it's way into the dining room but was a delight to see over our cornflakes.

Bats in the dining room

It's also not every afternoon that you look up from the ironing to see a toad hopping about on the living room carpet.   The stories of Donald of Clanranald immediately came to mind.  Donald was famously haunted by a huge black toad which followed and taunted him whereever he went even when the toad was locked in the dungeons of Castle Tioram. One interesting account of that strange affair is given in Scotland's Book of Romance, though it is also recounted in Rev Charles MacDonald's famous book; Moidart - or among the Clanranalds, together with many other interesting tales of life in Moidart.

The bat eventually flew off and the toad was very carefully (and lovingly!!!) relocated to the vegetable plot where it was last seen crawling in the undergrowth with a smile on its face.